Deconstructing Non-Sustainable Agriculture
The Green Revolution identifies the dramatic increase in the production of food calories occurring with the next developments I) selective breeding of high yielding crops, which also display added resistance to common diseases; ii) widespread utilization of fertilizers and pesticides; iii) mechanization of crop harvesting. Beginning in the 1940's, the Green Revolution successfully overcame the evolving famines in lots of developing countries and has allowed for major population increases worldwide.
Large scale industrial farming has greatly reduced the price of food production ultimately causing shared economic benefits to consumers and major corporations. Scientific progress in genetic engineering, along side targeted investments by industry, has further enhanced crop productivity through the usage of genetically modified organisms (GMO). The key utilization of GMO has been to supply food crops with resistance to toxic chemicals, which can then be used to stop the growth of competing weeds. These toxic chemicals (pesticides) are liberally put on the crop fields, around the time that a few of the weeds acquire exactly the same protective genes. The food crops then require further genetic modification to resist newer pesticides to that your weeds are susceptible, at least for a period of time. Another government allowed utilization of GMO has been to restrict the viability of the seeds created by the "proprietary" crops. The widespread contamination of farmlands with the toxic pesticides places a competitive disadvantage to organic farming, yet a choice to use GMO modified seeds creates a dependency on industry and the risk of perpetual financial abuse.
Not only will there be widespread pesticide contamination of other farmlands, but traces of the toxins can soon appear in grazing animals, domestic animals and humans. It is especially troublesome that pesticides may now be readily detected in cord blood of newborn infants as well as in municipal drinking water.
The use of fertilizers even offers a drawback for the reason that the sole relevant criterion of success is the general productivity with regards to calories. As well as the nutrients which can be needed for growth, many plant species will under natural conditions produce secondary metabolites of no apparent major benefit to the plant, but of significant benefit to animals and humans. Various vitamins and a diverse variety of trace minerals match this category. Their levels in plants grown in heavily fertilized soils are significantly lower than in organically grown crops. The consequence of numerous foods being deficient in several micronutrients hasn't been realistically addressed either by industry or the government.
While adding to a non-healthful environment, farming has also been harmed by industrial pollution from mining, manufacturing and waste disposal. In place of sustaining and promoting plant growth, some sourced elements of irrigation water are now seen as the cause of stunted growth. Relatively large quantities of toxic water are now sequestered as being forever useless for irrigation.
For progress that occurs, the inadvertent practices which can be ultimately causing non-sustainable agriculture need to be replaced with a more reasoned and sensible approach. These three areas are of up most importance. I) Reduce the usage of pesticides and instead rely upon the natural interplay of competing living organisms to devise non-toxic methods for favoring the growth of food crops. ii) Reduce the usage of nutrient restricted fertilizers and ensure the availability in coconut coir the soils of a complete variety of micronutrients and trace minerals. iii) Boost the kinetic activity of the water used to support plant growth and apply exactly the same principle of water activation to simply help decontaminate currently unusable water supplies. Each approach will be briefly outlined:
Efforts can then be devised to reduce the relative performance of the natural predators so the competitive advantage returns to the meals crop. An underlying principle is that the advantage should go to whichever species has the greater alternative cellular energy (ACE) pathway, since this pathway appears to supply a notably universal defense against many pathogens. The ACE pathway is expressed as an energetic activity of the water within and bathing living cells.
The dynamic activity is defined as KELEA (kinetic energy limiting electrostatic attraction). It can be imparted to crops through the usage of KELEA activated water or potentially attracted straight into the plant from the environment. The feasibility of the very first approach with rice and sugarcane has been demonstrated and published, while beginning efforts are underway on developing the second approach.